How to Prepare and Pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900

Rohit Nagareddy
3 min readJan 21, 2022

Before you Start your Journey to Cloud, Let me tell you why should you learn cloud. Cloud Provides lot of Value Offering to all the Enterprises. Few years back when someone wanted to Build a Enterprise application it used to take few days or months, but now with cloud we can do in few hours or few minutes for a basic web Application. On the Flipside, there are also Challenges on Security and Network Aspects when you use Cloud. Since the advantages are more than the disadvantages in the Cloud, And the Value Proposition that Cloud is Bringing to Enterprises is the reason why Enterprises are Moving towards Cloud.

There are Multiple Cloud Providers in Market mainly AWS,GCP and Azure. If you are totally new to Cloud and want to start your Journey to Cloud ,you can start with Azure, The reason is Microsoft Azure has the Best Documentation among the Peers(This is My Personal Opinion).I would request the readers to do their Own research on Choosing which Cloud to start with, before starting the journey to Cloud. Cloud is going to stay for a long time, it is not going to go away like Other Technologies. Yes, There would be Further Enhancements, which we would have to Learn Consistently and Continuously. So anyone who is willing to learn can start in Cloud, Irrespective of your Industry.

If you would like to start your journey in Azure,AZ-900 is the Certification that you can start with. This exam is designed for to show basic level knowledge on Microsoft Azure services

I would request not to use dumps for any certifications ,Focus on Concepts and do the labs that are Provided by Microsoft.(Will Provide you with the Microsoft Labs Link in this Post)

Certifications are way to learn new things and are Just like driver’s license ,Getting a Driver License does not mean you can drive a Car without following rules, Don’t Get too Excited if you pass the Certification. Keep Exploring more and your Learning Should be Continuous and Consistent

If you are above 18 Years, you can Appear for the Exam. Although ,have seen someone aged 14 has appeared ,passed the exam and Posted in LinkedIn which seems Odd to me. Reach out to Microsoft if you have questions related to Age Limit here

Try to Create a free trial Account and do the labs ,Once you complete the labs, it would be very easy to Clear the Exam.

I hope this post is helpful.

Important Links:


AZ-900 Modules:

